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Pages-specific configuration can be done in a federalist.json file in the root of your project. Currently, we only support the following keys:

  • headers
  • fullClone


See specifying custom headers for details.


values default? effect
not specified Y shallow clone
true   full clone
anything else   shallow clone

By default, Pages does a “shallow” clone of a single branch of your repository to minimize the duration of your build as well as the space it requires. This means that the entire git revision history is NOT available during Pages builds, which may differ from your local environment. This can cause an issue with some site engines or plugins that generate “last modified” datetimes based on the git revision history for particular files.


Setting "fullClone": true in your federalist.json file will tell Pages to pull the entire revision history for the specific branch.

Note: For larger repositories this may cause a noticiable increase in build time.


// federalist.json
  "fullClone": true

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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