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Platform Release Notes: February 1, 2017

February 01, 2017

Curious what’s new that you might find helpful as a application developer? Here are highlights from our platform updates over the past six weeks.


  • account holders in the GovCloud environment get automated notifications of expiring passwords, starting ten days before expiration.
  • The dashboard provides a start button for stopped apps (on the app page).


  • The dashboard homepage shows a more detailed summary of all your orgs, spaces, and apps.


  • In the dashboard on the app page’s route creation panel, available domains now appear instead of returning an error.


We upgraded the Cloud Foundry deployment to v251. The base filesystem used for running your application has been updated to address several security vulnerabilities. You should restage your application to incorporate fixes in the base filesystem and ensure you’re running the most recent language version supported by your buildpack.

See also

If you’re interested in details about recent dashboard updates, you can also see the dashboard release notes.

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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