April 18th cloud.gov Change Log
Change Log
Customer Facing Changes
The audience for this section is developers who maintain applications on cloud.gov and may need to respond to stack or buildpack changes.
No buildpacks were updated this sprint. The changes to the platform are also pretty light this time around, but more are coming soon!
CF-Deployment - v40.1.0 to v40.3.0
Changes below are broken down by component:
cflinuxfs4 1.86.0 to 1.87.0
There were no CVEs patched for, the changes were only to packages.
Platform Changes
This section is for the platform operators at cloud.gov
to highlight changes to Cloud Foundry components, this is likely not of interest for developers using the platform.
aide 21 to 22
- Documentation only change
bpm 1.2.17 to 1.2.18
- Updates golang package golang-1-linux to 1.22.2
capi 1.175.0 to 1.176.0
CAPI Release
- Dependency Bumps
- Bump Golang to go1.22.1
Cloud Controller
- Print output of blobstore benchmark again
- Enhance local dev setup having a valid ‘bits_path’
- Update lock information logging to happen on info and to happen only once per state switch
- Set warning header for outdated CF CLIs
- Bump debug from 1.9.1 to 1.9.2
- Bump parallel_tests from 4.5.1 to 4.6.0
- Bump rubocop-rails from 2.23.1 to 2.24.1
Cloud Controller Database Migrations
- None
cf-smoke-tests 42.0.140 to 42.0.141
- Bump golang, cf-cli and smoke_tests packages
routing 0.294.0 to 0.295.0
- Reverting the removal of the deprecated BuildNameToCertificate() call
- Bumps to golang 1.21.9 + golang.org/x/net 0.23.0 to patch
secureproxy 64 to 66
- Tuning and documentation changes
shibboleth 120 to 121
- Documentation changes
syslog 12.2.3 to 12.2.4
- Bump dependencies
- Bump packaged Golang to go1.21.9
uaa-customized 56 to 57
- Documentation changes
Final Note
Tune in next sprint for more cloud.gov release notes.