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May 16th Release Notes

May 16, 2024

Release Notes

Developer Impacting Changes

The audience for this section is developers who maintain applications on and may need to respond to stack or buildpack changes. IDP

  • Updated TOTP QR Code image generation
  • TOTP Seed Length is now 32

CF-Deployment - v40.3.0 to v40.9.0

Changes below are broken down by component:

Go Buildpack v1.10.18

  • Add go 1.21.9, remove go 1.21.8 for stack(s) cflinuxfs3, cflinuxfs4 (#441)
  • Add go 1.22.2, remove go 1.22.1 for stack(s) cflinuxfs3, cflinuxfs4 (#442)

Java Buildpack v4.68.0

This release contains dependency updates and an expansion to the detection criteria for the MySQL Driver - the buildpack will now not supply the driver if it finds an existing AWS MySQL driver, with the pattern aws-mysql-jdbc*.jar (thanks to @scottgai, #1068)

Nginx Buildpack v1.2.13

  • Updated github-config (#274)

NodeJS Buildpack v1.8.24

  • Add node 18.20.2, remove node 18.19.0 (#717) for stack(s) cflinuxfs3, cflinuxfs4
  • Add node 20.12.2, remove node 20.11.0 (#716) for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Add python 3.11.9, remove python 3.11.8 (#712) for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Updating github-config (#706)

PHP Buildpack v4.6.18

  • Add php 8.2.18, remove php 8.2.16 for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Add php 8.3.6, remove php 8.3.3 for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Add httpd 2.4.59, remove httpd 2.4.58 for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3

Python Buildpack v1.8.23

  • Add setuptools 69.5.1, remove setuptools 69.2.0 for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Add python 3.12.3, remove python 3.12.2 (#904) for stack(s) cflinuxfs3, cflinuxfs4
  • Add python 3.11.9, remove python 3.11.8 (#903) for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Add python 3.10.14, remove python 3.10.13 (#901) for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Add python 3.9.19, remove python 3.9.18 (#900) for stack(s) cflinuxfs3, cflinuxfs4
  • Add python 3.8.19, remove python 3.8.18 (#899) for stack(s) cflinuxfs3, cflinuxfs4

R Buildpack v1.2.11

  • Add r 4.3.3, remove r 4.3.2 for stack(s) cflinuxfs3, cflinuxfs4
  • Update r 4.2.3 dependencies for stack(s) cflinuxfs3, cflinuxfs4:
  • plumber from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
  • shiny from 1.8.0 to

Ruby Buildpack v1.10.13

  • Deprecate Ruby 3.0.X (EOL)
  • Enable rails 7.1 compatibility for buildpack (#925)
  • Add rubygems 3.5.9, remove rubygems 3.5.8 (#932) for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3 [#187420578]
  • Add rubygems 3.5.8, remove rubygems 3.5.7 (#930)for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Add bundler 2.5.9, remove bundler 2.5.8 (#931) for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Add bundler 2.5.8, remove bundler 2.5.7 (#929) for stack(s) cflinuxfs4, cflinuxfs3
  • Add node 20.12.2, remove node 20.12.1 (#926) for stack(s) cflinuxfs3, cflinuxfs4

Staticfile Buildpack v1.6.12

  • Updating github-config (#415)

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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