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November 18th Release Notes

November 18, 2024

Release Notes

Developer-Impacting Changes

The audience for this section is developers who maintain applications on and may need to respond to stack or buildpack changes.

AWS S3 FIPS-enabled endpoints

As part of’s ongoing efforts to expand the use of FIPS 140-3 validated cryptography, our S3 Bucket broker now populates service credentials with only the FIPS-validated S3 endpoints.

Prior to October 29, 2024, the S3 credentials included both the fips_endpoint and the endpoint values. Now both keys have the same values, e.g.

      "credentials": {
        "access_key_id": "REDACTED"}
        "additional_buckets": [],
        "bucket": "cg-redacted",
        "endpoint": "",
        "fips_endpoint": "",
        "region": "us-gov-west-1",

This change shouldn’t break any applications UNLESS you were using HTTP (instead of HTTPS) to initiate a connection to the S3 endpoint. The non-FIPS endpoint provided a redirect to HTTPS, the FIPS endpoint does not. This could result in application errors. Updating code to enableSSL or use an HTTPS protocol should resolve the issue.

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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