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Reducing iteration time by using a custom PostgreSQL broker

May 05, 2022

The team recently deprecated shared database instance plans.

Unlike dedicated instance plans, which each provision a separate RDS database instance and take a while to create, shared instance plans re-used the same RDS database instance and created new databases within the same instance, which completed almost instantly.

You can replicate the behavior of the deprecated shared instance plans using an open-source service broker known as postgres-tinsmith.

Please note that while this approach has been tested manually, the postgres-tinsmith repo is not actively maintained by the team, so this documentation is provided as a proof-of-concept only and does not offer any guarantees of production-readiness.

1. Create a dedicated RDS service

View our available dedicated RDS instance plans for PostgreSQL:

cf marketplace -e aws-rds

Create a PostgreSQL service using one of the dedicated instance plans. For example:

cf create-service aws-rds micro-psql <dedicated-db-name>

2. Deploy and configure postgres-tinsmith

Follow the instructions in the repo README to create and configure the postgres-tinsmith service broker.

Make sure to use the <dedicated-db-name> created in step 1 as the database service name to bind to postgres-tinsmith.

3. Create a database

Once postgres-tinsmith is deployed and configured, create a database using the new shared plan of the postgres service:

cf create-service postgres shared <db-name>

4. Bind database to your application

cf bind-service <application-name> <db-name>
cf restage <application-name>

Alternately, you can bind the database service to your application using a manifest.yml file.

Verifying your bound database service

Running cf env <application> (e.g. cf env postgres-example-app) should show information about the bound <db-name> in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. See the CloudFoundry documentation for more information about VCAP_SERVICES.

5. Use the database in your application

Make sure that your application properly reads and implements the credentials for the database from the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable.

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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