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Debian CloudFoundry key not accessible by wget / curl on Ubuntu

March 28, 2023

CloudFoundry key error

On 3/28/2023, at approximately 10:35 AM ET, it was noted that due to an upstream CloudFoundry issue the CloudFoundry key is not accessible by typical wget or curl requests on Ubuntu using the CloudFoundry Command Line Interface. Despite the url being accessible by internet browser, when users attempt to use the wget command, it would be empty. Additionally curl requests would receive a 403 error / access denied error message. The work around for this issue is by providing a user agent with curl’s -A option as noted in this issue ticket on the CloudFoundry github.

Status update and issue resolution

On 3/28/2023, at approximately 6:18 PM ET, the upstream issue was addressed and resolved as stated in this issue ticket on the CloudFoundry github.

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