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Changes to login and cf-ssh

June 15, 2016

Earlier this month we updated login and cf-ssh in ways that mean most users need to change how they use them. You’ve probably already made these changes if you need to (we sent email notifications to people who should log in using the new system), but here are the details as a handy reference.

For GSA and EPA, your login is now your agency login

We updated how and accounts authenticate with When you log in, use your official agency credentials instead of your old username and password. Here’s how:

  • On the web: At, select the button for your agency and enter your agency credentials (the same credentials you use for your agency’s own services).
  • On the command line: Use the new command listed at Setting up the command line for agency accounts: cf login -a --sso

This update improves the security of these accounts because you’re now using your agency’s existing multi-factor authentication system. This is a step in our progress toward FedRAMP compliance and certification for

Use the new version of cf-ssh

If you use cf-ssh for running one-off commands, we released version 3 on June 2. Please download and use that latest version.

If you haven’t updated cf-ssh, you may get this error when you try to use it:

Initiating tmate connection...success
ssh: Could not resolve hostname nodename nor servname provided, or not known

That usually means you need to update cf-ssh to our latest version.

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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