Adding users to Organizations
User Requirements
As a new user, reach out to your organization’s manager to be invited to the platform and subsequently the desired organization.
If you are having trouble locating who the organization manager is you can reach out in one of our slack channels #cg-pages or #cg-pages-public.
Adding a new user
- Navigate to the organizations tab
Click edit in the lower right hand corner of the organization pane
Click the plus sign under “Members”
- Fill out the required fields of Email and Role
If you do not know the GitHub username of the invitee you can add it post invite
- Click Invite
User Acceptance
As a new user to the platform you will be sent an invitation via email. The link in the email will take you directly to the login page to authenticate your credentials. You will need to create a account and then use these credentials to login to Pages.
*Note if a user already belongs to these agencies FDIC, EPA, NIH, GSA, DOJ, OMB or has existing credentials they can use their existing account login information to authenticate into Pages.
Decap CMS users must login to prior to using the content editor.
Who should be added
- New project team members
- Contractors
- Anyone who needs to view the organization’s build logs