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Getting started with Decap CMS

Pages recently integrated support for Decap CMS, an open source content management system for your Github-based content that provides editors with a friendly UI and workflow.

Building a new site from template

The Pages templates include pre-configured Decap CMS functionality. To begin utilizing:

  1. select the template that you wish to use as your base site
  2. navigate to the new GitHub repository that Pages created, and update the Decap CMS configuration to point to the current repository
    # 11ty: /admin/config.yml
    # Gatsby or Hugo: /static/admin/config.yml

      repo: <your github org>/<your repo>
  1. when you are done, your configuration should look something like the one in configuration requirements

  2. once your site is rebuilt in Pages, Decap CMS is ready to use! Navigate to https://<your site url>/admin and edit away.

Adding Decap CMS to existing site

If your site is already up and running, please follow the instructions on Decap’s Add To Your Site page to add Decap CMS. Please pay particular attention to the location of the admin folder depending on your static site generator.

  • 11ty: /admin/config.yml
  • Gatsby or Hugo: /static/admin/config.yml

For examples of existing configurations, see the Pages starter:

Configuration Requirements

To use Decap CMS, you must authenticate with Github, and in order for Pages to facilitate this, your Decap CMS configuration should include the following:

      name: github
      repo: <your org>/<your repo>
      auth_endpoint: external/auth/github
      preview_context: pages/build
      branch: main

      # optional
      use_graphql: true

See Decap CMS Backends Overview for a full description of the configuration options.

Authentication Requirements

Because Pages facilitates the authentication with Github, we require users of Decap CMS to be Pages users in addition to having write permissions to the Github repository.

Getting familiar with Decap CMS

To learn more about Decap CMS and how it may help you manage content changes on your Pages site, please visit

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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